
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

05/06/2020 - Edginswell Station Funding Bid ref: 3924    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Chief Executive of Torbay Council

Decision published: 05/06/2020

Effective from: 05/06/2020


That £1,500,000 from the Council’s Local Integrated Transport Capital budget along with £3 to 4 million from the Town Deal Funding bid be allocated to the Edginswell Station Project, for match funding of any successful bid to the DfT’s New Stations Funding.

28/05/2020 - Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020 ref: 3926    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision published: 28/05/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


i)       that the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2019/2020 be agreed and forwarded to the External Auditors for comment; and


ii)      that the final Annual Governance Statement be presented to Audit Committee when it considers the Statement of Accounts.

28/05/2020 - Treasury Management Outturn 2019/20 ref: 3925    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision published: 28/05/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


i)       That the Treasury Management decisions made during 2019/20, as detailed in the submitted report be noted; and


ii)      That the performance against the approved Prudential and Treasury Indicators as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report be noted.

28/05/2020 - Internal Audit - Annual Audit Report 2019-20 ref: 3923    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision published: 28/05/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


That the Internal Audit – Annual Audit Report 2019-20 be noted.

21/05/2020 - Economic Regeneration Opportunity 11/05/20 ref: 3922    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 27/05/2020

Effective from: 04/06/2020


That the Economic Growth Fund Opportunity 11/5/20, as set out in the Exempt Council Minute 134/5/20, be approved.


(Note: the decision in respect of Economic Growth Fund Opportunity 11/05/20 is restricted due to exempt information contained within the decision.)

Wards affected: Shiphay;