Issue - decisions

Torbay Airshow

12/07/2019 - Torbay Airshow

Cabinet Recommendation to Council:


(i)         that the Council be recommended that the Torbay Airshow 2020 (6 and 7 June) be supported and a revenue contribution of £25,000 towards the Airshow be approved;


Cabinet Decisions:


(ii)        that the Interim Director of Place be requested to work with Richmond Event Management along with the Commercial and Marketing Group, to engage with potential sponsors for the 2020 Torbay Airshow at the earliest opportunity;


(iii)       that the renaming of the Torbay Airshow to the ‘English Riviera Airshow’, be approved subject to the Interim Director of Place negotiating an appropriate level of sponsorship;


(iv)       that the Interim Director of Place and Chief Finance Officer be requested to negotiate a risk share arrangement that would see the Council and TDA share the burden of any unforeseen budget overspend, should the air show event not reach a break even position; and


(v)        that the Interim Director of Place be instructed to explore a range of options to offset the carbon dioxide produced by the air show and one such measure, which could also help to tackle fuel poverty, should include a higher standard of wall and roof insulation for new affordable homes commissioned by the Council.