Issue - decisions

Paignton Townscape

23/10/2018 - Elected Mayor's Response to the Call-in of his decision in respect of Paignton Townscape

That the original decision be confirmed as follows:


(i)         that the decision taken by the Council to borrow £1.172m from PWLB for the Paignton Townscape scheme is postponed and that alternative sources of funding are explored and a detailed business case is produced before any further work is carried out on this scheme; and


(ii)        that the implementation of the Paignton Townscape scheme is considered as part of the 2019/20 budget setting process.

10/09/2018 - Paignton Townscape

(i)        That the decision taken by the Council to borrow £1.172m from PWLB for the Paignton Townscape scheme is postponed and that alternative sources of funding are explored and a detailed business case is produced before any further work is carried out on this scheme; and


(ii)       that the implementation of the Paignton Townscape scheme is considered as part of the 2019/20 budget setting process.