Issue - decisions

"Transport for the South West Peninsula" Sub-National Transport Body

05/11/2018 - "Transport for the South West Peninsula" Sub-National Transport Body

That Torbay Council agrees to:


(i)         approve the Constitution of the South West Peninsula Shadow Sub-National Transport Body (SWPSSTB) attached as Appendix 2 to this Record of Decision;


(ii)        approve the Collaboration Agreement attached as Appendix 3 to this Record of Decision and formally sign the Agreement on behalf of the Council so leading to the formal establishment of SWPSSTB on 5 November 2018.  This document includes confirmation of the Council’s initial funding contribution covering the period from the date of establishment through to 31 March 2020; and


(iii)       appoint the following Councils to undertake the ‘lead authority’ functions detailed in the Collaboration Agreement, for the duration of the shadow period of operation:


·           Cornwall Council – technical transport;

·           Devon County Council – administration of meetings;

·           Plymouth City Council – Finance; Communications & Engagement; and

·           Somerset County Council – Governance.

10/09/2018 - "Transport for the South West Peninsula" Sub-National Transport Body

(i)         that Torbay Council joins an informal partnership with Cornwall Council, Plymouth City Council, Torbay Council, Devon County Council and Somerset County Council; which will be known as a shadow sub-national transport body for the South West Peninsula (or similar), subject to Government agreeing with that proposal, and subject to formal agreement of a final terms of reference once the partnership has formally convened;


(ii)        that the draft terms of reference attached as Appendix 1 to the submitted report provide an appropriate basis in principle upon which to create a partnership;


(iii)       that the Executive Head of Assets and Business Services, in consultation with the Elected Mayor and the Executive Lead for Community Services, be given delegated authority to agree the final terms of reference for the shadow sub-national transport body subject to the terms being generally in accordance with the draft terms attached as Appendix 1 to the submitted report.;


(iv)       that the Executive Head of Assets and Business Services, in consultation with the Elected Mayor and Executive Lead for Community Services, be given delegated authority to develop and agree a constitution for the South West Peninsula sub-national transport body with the partner authorities, and an inter-authority agreement to enable the informal partnership to operate;


(v)        that the Executive Lead for Community Services be appointed to represent the Council on the sub-national transport bodies;


(vi)       that the Executive Head of Assets and Business Services, in consultation with the Elected Mayor and Executive Lead for Community Services, be given delegated authority to agree a prospectus (and any other material as appropriate) for the proposed body for communication purposes;


(vii)      that an initial partnership funding contribution of up to £20,300 be approved from the Planning Reserve, to facilitate the development and operation of the partnership, and lever in match-funding from the Government; with the actual value of the contribution to be agreed between the parties following further development of technical workstreams.