Issue - decisions

Transformation - Vulnerable Adults Support - Torbay Council Response to Crisis Evaluation of Housing First/Housing Led System in Torbay

28/06/2018 - Transformation Project - Vulnerable Adults Support - Torbay Council Response to Crisis Evaluation of Housing First/Mental Health Support

(i)         that the Council supports introduction of the full housing first proposal including, a fully dispersed accommodation model and relocation of the hostel service, subject to:

·         Multi agency support;

·         Securing funding from central government and/or external sources, in addition to earmarked Adult Social Care (ASC) reserves; and

·         Due diligence on financial modelling.


This option to include a business case to relocate services from Leonard Stocks and move to a dispersed accommodation model.


(ii)        that in the case that funding cannot be secured, option 2 (set out in the exempt report submitted to the Housing Committee on 25 June 2018) would be progressed which includes:

·         Preparing a business case for a social lettings agency; and

·         Implementing a team to support people with the most complex lives integrated with other social care pathways. This additional resource, subject to business case approval, to be resourced from earmarked ASC reserves.