Issue - decisions

Proposed Disposal by Long Lease - Waterpark and Go-Kart Site, Goodrington Sands, Tanners Road, Paignton TQ4 6LN

23/01/2019 - Lease of Land and Building Quaywest Waterpark, Goodrington, Paignton

That the Assistant Director of Business Services, in consultation with the Chief Executive, be authorised to grant a lease renewal of 25 years with a further option of 15 years of the land and building known as Quaywest Waterpark, Goodrington, Paignton to Lemur Waterparks Limited (Company Number 06883534) as shown in plan no. 16 145 003.

19/09/2016 - Disposal of Long Lease - Waterpark, Go-kart Site and Peter Pan Area, Goodrington Sands, Tanners Road, Goodrington, Paignton

That the granting of a 25 year Lease with lease break options in favour of the Council (the 1st break option at year 10 and intervals thereafter) be approved for the red and the blue area shown on the Plan EM 2663 at Appendix 2 to the submitted report with authority being delegated to the Assistant Director (Corporate and Business Services) in consultation with the Torbay Development Agency’s Head of Asset Management to approve the detailed terms of the Lease.