Agenda item

Children's Services Alternative Delivery Model

To consider the submitted report on the above.


The Council considered the Chief Executive’s report, as Head of Paid Service, on a proposal to develop an alternative delivery model for Torbay Children’s Services.  The submitted report set out the details of proposals to develop alternative delivery models that commenced in January 2016 and prior to the Ofsted inspection which judged services to be inadequate.  It was noted that, as a result of the judgement, a Statutory Direction issued by the Department for Education (DfE) in May 2016 appointed a Commissioner to challenge and support the work of the Council to address the failures identified by Ofsted.  The Commissioner was also tasked to explore the extent to which sustained improvement may be secured through different models of governance and service delivery.  The submitted report set out the recommendations of the Commissioner to the DfE for Torbay’s Children’s Services to partner with Plymouth City Council and details of other partnering arrangements explored.


Councillor Parrott proposed and Councillor Barnby seconded a motion as set out below:


that Council gives delegated authority to the Chief Executive and Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Adults and Children’s Services, to develop a detailed partnership agreement for the future delivery of Children’s Services in accordance with the Statutory Direction. The Statutory Direction requires the Council to comply with the Commissioner, and his current recommendation for a future partner for Children’s Services is Plymouth City Council.  On the basis that final proposals are presented to Council for approval in September 2017.


During the debate Councillor Thomas (D) and Councillor Thomas (J) seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


that Council gives delegated authority to the Chief Executive and Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Adults and Children’s Services, to develop a detailed partnership agreement for the future delivery of Children’s Services in accordance with the Statutory Direction. The Statutory Direction requires the Council to comply with the Commissioner, and his current recommendation for a future partner for Children’s Services is Plymouth City Council.  On the basis that final proposals are presented to Council for approval in September 2017.


At this juncture, the Monitoring Officer advised that a letter had been received from John Coughlan, the Commissioner on behalf of the Department for Education, on 20 July 2017, which was then circulated at the meeting (attached to these minutes).  The Chairwoman allowed a short adjournment to allow members to read the letter.  The meeting then reconvened.


During the debate, Councillor Parrott and Councillor Barnby accepted the amendment, which was then incorporated in the original motion.


During the debate Mayor Oliver proposed and Councillor Haddock seconded an amendment to the updated motion as follows:


that the Chief Executive and the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Adults and Children’s Services, undertake a review of wider services in Torbay to identify a long-term improvement partner for vulnerable children and young people in Torbay, which includes exploring options with Plymouth City Council and Devon County Council.


Councillor Darling proposed and Councillor Carter moved a procedural motion to move to the vote which was carried.


The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.


Councillor Parrott’s and Councillor Barnby’s updated motion was then put to the vote and was agreed by the Council as set out below:


that Council gives delegated authority to the Chief Executive and Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Adults and Children’s Services, to develop a detailed partnership agreement for the future delivery of Children’s Services in accordance with the Statutory Direction. The Statutory Direction requires the Council to comply with the Commissioner, and his current recommendation for a future partner for Children’s Services is Plymouth City Council.

Supporting documents: