Agenda item

Call In of Mayor's Decision on Potential Helipad and Light Rail System for Torbay

To consider the submitted report in respect of the above Mayoral decision which was called in by the Overview and Scrutiny Board and referred to Council for consideration.


At its meeting held on 14 December 2016, the Overview and Scrutiny Board considered the Notice of Call-in of the Mayor’s decision in respect of a potential helipad and light rail system for Torbay.  The Board resolved that, having listened to the advice of the Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer, the Mayor’s decision was contrary to the Policy Framework as it did not believe that the Mayor’s decision made best use of the Council’s reducing resources.  In accordance with Standing Order D10.3 the matter was referred to the Council for consideration.


The Council considered the submitted report on the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board and further information regarding the Mayor’s decision, along with the advice of the Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer.


Members firstly considered whether or not the Mayor’s decision was contrary to the Policy Framework.


Councillor Lewis proposed and Councillor Doggett seconded a motion, which was agreed by the Council as set out below:


that the Mayor’s decision is contrary to the Policy Framework (Corporate Plan) as it does not believe that it makes best effect of the Council’s reducing resources.


In accordance with Standing Order D10.8, the Monitoring Officer advised that, as the Council had determined that the Mayor's decision was contrary to the Policy Framework, the decision was deemed as a recommendation to the Council.  The recommendation of the Mayor became the motion before Council as follows:


(i)         that the Assistant Director of Corporate and Business Services be requested to consult the private sector and businesses in the aviation sector for their views on the principle of establishing a helipad facility for Torbay and that this should give the opportunity for the private sector undertaking feasibility work and to put forward proposals;


(ii)        that an informal working group comprising the Mayor and business leaders be established to investigate the economic benefits to Torbay of having a helipad facility;


(iii)       that further discussions be held between the Spatial Planning Department and Devon Air Ambulance in respect of their needs for adequate facilities; and


(iv)       that due to the economic growth in Brixham in the fishing and tourism industry there is a need to improve transport links in and out of Brixham and the surrounding area to cope with this growth and the Assistant Director of Corporate and Business Services be requested to consult with the fishing industry, Brixham Town Council, rail user groups and existing rail owners to establish, in principle, if the formation of a light railway system will benefit the long term economic prospects of Brixham and the surrounding area.


During the debate Councillor Tyerman proposed and Councillor Lewis seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


(i)         that the Assistant Director of Corporate and Business Services be requested to consult the private sector and businesses in the aviation sector for their views on the principle of establishing a helipad facility for Torbay and that this should give the opportunity for the private sector undertaking feasibility work and to put forward proposals;


(ii)        that an informal working group comprising the Mayor and business leaders be established to investigate the economic benefits to Torbay of having a helipad facility;


(iii)       that further discussions be held between the Spatial Planning Department and Devon Air Ambulance in respect of their needs for adequate facilities; and


 (iv)      that due to the economic growth in Brixham in the fishing and tourism industry there is a need to improve transport links in and out of Brixham and the surrounding area to cope with this growth and the Assistant Director of Corporate and Business Services be requested to consult with the fishing industry, Brixham Town Council, rail user groups and existing rail owners to establish, in principle, if the formation of a light railway system will benefit the long term economic prospects of Brixham and the surrounding area.


(i)         that, given the level of financial cost necessary and the unlikely prospects of finding suitable capital funding for delivery, the Head of Paid Service be instructed not to allocate further work or resource (both financial or officer intellectual time) to be undertaken on consultation or feasibility of these areas;  and


(ii)        that the Mayor be requested to work with the private sector, without using officer resources, to encourage them to undertake feasibility work and take forward proposals once they are fully developed via a planning application and through the normal planning process.


The amendment was put to the vote and declared carried.


At this juncture, a procedural motion (in accordance with Standing Order A16.11(a)(iv)) to move to the vote was proposed by Councillor Thomas (D) and seconded by Councillor Darling (S) and was declared carried.  Accordingly, the amended (substantive) motion was put to the vote and was agreed by the Council as follows:


(i)         that, given the level of financial cost necessary and the unlikely prospects of finding suitable capital funding for delivery, the Head of Paid Service be instructed not to allocate further work or resource (both financial or officer intellectual time) to be undertaken on consultation or feasibility of these areas;  and


(ii)        that the Mayor be requested to work with the private sector, without using officer resources, to encourage them to undertake feasibility work and take forward proposals once they are fully developed via a planning application and through the normal planning process.


(Note:  Mayor Oliver and Councillor Haddock required their vote against the amendment on the decision in Minute 127 to be recorded.)

Supporting documents: