Agenda item

Road Safety Initiative 2016/17


·         IJ advised that the Road Safety Initiative programme is usually presented earlier in the year, however this has been delayed as capital was not approved until October.

·         IJ advised that this shows where we are with priorities agreed at previous meetings together with advice on which priorities are to be put forward for the current year.

·         Site review – only two cluster sites have been noted and these were both shown last year.  These are Hyde Road, Paignton and the junction of Browns Bridge Road and Riviera Way Torquay.  Whilst causing concerns there are no specific commonalities with the roads concerned.

·         IJ proposed that they continue to monitor Browns Bridge Road.  Hyde Road will be looked at as part of the town centre regeneration so will continue to be monitored.

·         20mph zones around schools are proposed to continue to be implemented.  Appendix 4 of the report lists those schools that have yet to be completed.  The order of priority will be agreed with the Executive Lead and these will continue to be implemented.

·         Proposed schemes – as there are no evidence based schemes, smaller schemes and areas of concern should be considered.  Schemes to be considered are

o   Totnes Road, by the Parkers Arms zebra crossing

o   Totnes Road Blagdon Road  - provision of a central island to protect right turn traffic

o   Sands Road and Whitstone Road, crossing facility required due to pedestrian demands

o   It should be noted that highways currently are picking up schemes from previous years:- Kings Ash/Waterleat Road junction is being implemented through the Western Corridor scheme and a proposed evening 20mph zone at The Strand Torquay is still being progressed.

·         IJ recommended that Highways should continue with the programme and recommended that the Working Party approve priorities for the current year.

·         SD queried why money is being spent on road safety when there are thousands dying through air quality and asked what consideration has been given to air quality?  IJ advised that this is outside of his expertise; however some works have been carried out around air quality ie Bolton Cross and Hele Road.  These are the only two zones that we have.

·         FH advised that she has received a recent report on air quality and the public health implications, she will share this in due course.  Hele Road remains a concern, and FH will provide an update on this. 

·         MM advised that there is a need to progress the 20mph zones outside schools as quickly as possible.  IJ confirmed that officers are working through the list, however there have been some issues for the lighting contractor with new equipment, which are currently being addressed.

·         AB advised that some flashing lights outside Homelands School are on all night. IJ confirmed that there has been an issue with the lights and officers are attempting to get all sites automated.  Unfortunately the batch of signs have an issue with them which the contractor is attempting to debug and resolve at no additional cost to the authority.

·         ID queried if cycle training is being cut.  IJ confirmed that this will continue as it is grant funded.


     To continue with the programme of implementation

·       Proposed – Cllr Doggett

·       Seconded – Cllr Morey

·       All in favour.

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