Agenda item

Torre Reversal - Objections to Advertised Order

Due to a conflict of interest, Cllr Excell will leave the room during this item and Cllr King will Chair the meeting.


·         Councillor Excell left the room and Councillor King Chaired this item.

·         DM confirmed his involvement as decision maker when the scheme was agreed.

·         This scheme was received by the Working Party in January 2015 who passed this recommendation for a formal Decision in February 2015 to Full Council. This item is to discuss the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) advertised to reverse the traffic flow.  IJ confirmed there were 23 pieces of correspondence received in response to the advert 9 of which objected to the orders.  It was advised it is not usual practice to bring such an item to the Working Party and this would normally be agreed through an Executive Lead Briefing with the Assistant Director for Community Services making the decision in consultation with the Executive Lead Member, however due to the conflict of interest and public interest, it was agreed this would be an agenda item for the Working Party to consider.

·         IJ confirmed the scheme cannot be delivered without approval of the TRO.

·         Joyce Rainbird (speaking on behalf of Home Palms Management) gave a 3 minute brief on objections to the TRO that included the following points:-

-       That the bus stop opposite Home Palms would prove be a blind spot for cars coming out of the Council car park.

-       The scheme would create problems for doctors using Home Palms Car Park.

-       Residents would lose privacy when Double Decker buses pass looking into windows and vibrations from coaches are already felt.

-       The new scheme would increase traffic noise and exhaust fumes and emissions not adhering to air quality regulations.

-       The best idea would be for only cars to use this route and coaches and HGV vehicles should remain using the original route to protect traders from dirt and fumes.  The trees in Lymington Road would absorb the fumes and this is a wider road for commercial vehicles.  There is a clear policy on cutting omissions from the Government as part of the Clean Air Act.

·         SD expressed concern regarding on behalf of local ward councillors and members of the public relating to the re-routing of the no 12 bus avoiding Castle Circus relating particularly to older people with mobility issues having to walk up the hill to the stop.  Stagecoach had not announced this change to the route when the scheme was agreed in January.  DM has raised the issue directly with Stagecoach as to whether a smaller loop can be looked at whereby the bus stops could remain in the same position. DW to email Stagecoach with the concerns raised

·         SD enquired whether options relating to the loading bay near Home Palms had been explored for TOR2’s use as well as emergency services.  IJ advised officers are open to consultation on the use of the loading bay and welcome feedback from Home Palms.  IJ confirmed the Centre Manager at Home Palms has been sent a plan and officers have requested feedback.

·         SD raised concern relating to those with a Carer’s Permit parking on double yellow lines blocking the flow of traffic.  IJ advised that a review of parking arrangements will be undertaken to determine such issues, once engineering works have been undertaken to facilitate the scheme.

·         IJ confirmed that traffic issues in Morgan Avenue will be assessed 3-4 months following the reversal of the traffic flow.  IJ confirmed there is money available in the next financial year to undertake traffic improvements in Morgan Avenue if this is deemed as required.  Such improvements would be undertaken, if required, in Autumn 2016.

·         ID suggested further investigation needed to determine how the air quality will be affected.  IJ confirmed this area is not an Air Quality Management Area and is a relatively open area compared to the central town although this was not his area of expertise.  Also the traffic flow through Union Street will not increase over much of its length, but will be going in the other direction.



IJ recommended that the order as advertised is implemented.


Proposed:  Cllr Brooks

Seconded: Cllr Mills

In favour: 3 in favour, 2 abstentions – motion passed.

Supporting documents: