Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 – An application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Domino’s Pizza, 114 St Marychurch Road, Plainmoor, Torquay TQ1 3HW

To consider an application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Domino’s Pizza, 114 St Marychurch Road, Plainmoor, Torquay TQ1 3HW.


Members considered a report on an application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Domino’s Pizza, 114 St Marychurch Road, Plainmoor, Torquay TQ1 3HW.


Written Representations received from:




Dare of Representation


Letter of representation in relation to Licensing Objective ‘The Prevention of Crime and Disorder’ and a proposed condition.

21 January 2014

Public Protection

Letter of representation in relation to Licensing Objective ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’ which includes a list of 8 additional conditions and a proposed removal of an existing condition.

5 February 2014


Oral Representations received from:




The Applicant

The Applicant outlined the application, as set out in the submitted documents and responded to Members questions.


The Police Representative outlined their objection, as set out in the submitted documents and responded to Members questions.

Public Protection

The Public Protection Officer outlined their objection, as set out in the submitted documents and responded to Members questions.


Members noted that there had been no additional Representations received from any other Responsible Authority or any Interested Party within the consultation period.


Additional Information:


The Public Protection Officer advised Members that the Applicant had agreed with the proposed conditions and that a previous complaint received by a resident had been addressed quickly by management and confirmed that the resident was now happy and therefore Public Protection Officer was supportive of the application.


The Public Protection Officer queried that Members may wish to change the wording in condition 8.


Members agreed that condition 8 should now read;


“Vehicles used by delivery drivers shall park at Waitrose car park whilst the gentleman’s agreement remains in place or other suitable locations away from residential accommodation”


The Applicant advised that there were 12 CCTV cameras within the store and one outside at the rear of the premises, for the protection of staff and customers.




That the application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Domino’s Pizza, 114 St Marychurch Road, Plainmoor, Torquay TQ1 3HW be granted as applied for, subject to the additional conditions put forward by the Police and Public Protection, and as agreed by the applicant.


Reason for Decision:


Having carefully considered all the written and oral Representations, Members resolved to grant the Licence having been assured that by the imposition of the additional conditions and the fact that the Applicant when made aware of a single complaint dealt with is quickly and effectively, that granting the Variation of this Licence would not undermine the Licensing Objectives.


In addition, Members noted that there were no Representations received from any other Responsible Authority or any Interested Party before them and given that, there is a similar licenced premise operating until 2am in the same location, and as submitted by the Public Protection Officer, that having checked the Council’s database which dates back 10 years it did not show up any complaints, this again reassured Members that the Licensing Objectives would not be undermined by the granting of the Variation to the Licence.


Supporting documents: