Agenda and minutes

Venue: Anna Dart Lecture Centre, Horizon Centre, Torbay Hospital

Contact: Kay Heywood  Governance Support Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman/woman

To elect a Chairman/woman for the Municipal Year 2012/13.


Councillor Chris Lewis was elected as the Chairman for the 2012/13 Municipal Year.


Apologies and Changes in Membership

To receive any apologies, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Board.


Apologies for absence were received from Board Members:  Richard Williams (Torbay Council – who was represented by Suzie Franklin), Sam Barrell (Baywide GP Commissioning Consortium – who was represented by Dr Dave Barratt), Kevin Muckian (Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee – who was represented by Sue Taylor) and Observers: Councillor Jane Barnby, Anthony Farnsworth (Torbay NHS Care Trust), Siobhan Grady (Torbay NHS Care Trust), Paula Vasco-Knight (SD Healthcare & NHS Foundation Trust), Iain Tulley (SD Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust), Steve Wallwork (Torbay NHS Care Trust), Jo Turl (Torbay NHS Care Trust), Doug Haines (Torbay NHS Care Trust), Simon Perkins (Devon & Cornwall Probation Trust), Tracey Cabache (Torbay Council – for final agenda item).


It was noted that membership of the Board would remain the same but that further consideration would be given in September over the function and make-up of the Board.









Election of Vice-Chairman/Woman

To elect a Vice-Chairman/woman for the Municipal Year 2012/13.



Debbie Stark was elected as the Vice-Chairman for the 2012/13 Municipal Year.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 15 March 2012.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board held on 15 March 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising from the Minutes pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider any matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 15 March 2012.


1.    Update on Torbay Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Sue Taylor/Debbie Stark

Arising from Board Meeting on 15 March 2012, an update on the agreed actions in respect of the Torbay Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.


2.    Notes from Away day – Siobhan Grady
-Agreement of way forward


Sue Taylor (Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee) reported that there was work in progress and an update report in respect of the Torbay Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment that would be brought to the next Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board in September.


Providers perspective on Draft Heath and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 966 KB

Debate with key providers.


Debbie Stark advised that the Strategy was written last year and will be refreshed due to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


There was a need for continuity and consistency and vital that information sharing protocols have been cleared between organisations as there is a need for everyone to work and talk together in a joined up manner.


Paula Vasco-Knight, Anthony Farnsworth and Iain Tulley, outlined and welcomed a provider perspective.  It was noted that the draft would be developed and there was alignment between CCG plans and emerging issues from Clinical Cabinet.


It was noted that Torbay’s Strategy needs to align with wider Devon so providers from cross boundary areas can innovate to deliver agreed outcomes.





a Development Plan to include the role of providers be developed for September.


Clinical Commissioning Groups Draft Strategy pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Debate with key providers.

Additional documents:


Jo Turl, Torbay NHS Care Trust, outlined the submitted first draft of the South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group Plan 2012/13 along with Steve Wallwork and requested that the Board give feedback as part of a consultation.


The need to link priorities and to avoid duplication and engage with public and partners was highlighted.




Jo Turl to send Kay Heywood a revised version of the CCG for her to circulate to all Board members and attendees present with a timeline for them to comment as part of a consultation by the close of play Friday 6 July 2012.




the Health and Well Being Board was supportive of the draft CCG Commissioning Plan and will continue to work with the CCG in its continued development and will take formal decision under the 10 day rule during the given period.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Arising from the Board Meeting on 15 March 2012, an update on the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

Additional documents:


Doug Haines, Torbay NHS Care Trust, provided an overview of the 2012/13 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Torbay (JSNA) and circulated a supplement which provided a precis of the JSNA.




the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed the 2012/13 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Torbay as outlined in the submitted report.


the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board recommend that the 2012/13 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Torbay as outlined in the submitted report be considered as an item for Council in recognition of the work that has been undertaken.


Children's and Young People Services pdf icon PDF 286 KB

·         Children & YP Services

·         Adults & SP

·         Public Health

·         CCG/Health

·         Healthwatch Update


Suzie Franklin, representing Richard Williams gave feedback from the Peer Review that had recently taken place.


This was not an inspection but had been invited to take place by critical friends and was a very robust review which allowed access to partners and focus groups.



·         Clear Leadership

·         Credible and coherent plan

·         Good level of enthusiasm

·         Good systems and processes

·         Good with Partners



·         Increase the pace of improvement and consistency and the impacts on children and families

·         Tendency to live in the past and not to sell themselves

·         Self critical

·         Need to empower people, not to control

·         Recruitment and retention – 40% vacancy rate


The Board noted that there had also been an Assessment of the Adoption Service which had identified issues but was pleased to report that 32% was awarded by Ofsted on the quality of Early Years Providers which is ‘Outstanding’ and is the highest awarded in the Country.




Richard Williams to bring a report to the Board outlining the priorities for troubled families and the consequences for the Bay.






Adults and SP


Caroline Taylor reported that the Commissioning Board met last week.  Decisions to be circulated under the 10 day rule.  Re-commissioning of adult social care to be included in the existing process of the SHA for a FT to take on the duty of the current care trust.



Public Health


Debbie stark reported that there were questions about the financial calculations used which would impact on the ability to deliver service and would have a very significant impact for Torbay, as future Health moved to local government.


At the moment Torbay is well funded, but if the new formula was put in to place would mean a redistribution of funds away from Torbay and there was a lack of clarity.



Healthwatch update


Anne Mattock, representing LINk declared an interest over this item and did not vote on the recommendations.


Tracey Cabache provided an update on the procurement of Healthwatch.


·         August 2012 – Tender process to start

·         October 2012 – Intention to award notice

·         January 2012 – Contract starts

·         April 2013 – Legal start date for Local Healthwatch


The Transition Group applied for Healthwatch Pathfinder status in 2011 and enabled a mapping exercise to identify the best structure of engagement and influence for Healthwatch Torbay.  The mapping exercise identified 79 organisations involved in engagement activities on health and social care in the Bay.  It identified lots of good work but also identified cases of duplication due to a lack of a co-ordinating body.


The Local Authority has the option to procure this service or grant aid this to an organisation that can demonstrate it has a unique capacity to deliver Healthwatch Torbay, although there were concerns expressed about going through with the grant aid system.


Budget and allocation figures were discussed for 2012-2015.  It was noted any financial decisions were to be taken at Council.




the member organisations of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board were mindful of the role identified for Healthwatch as a coordinating and support function for all engagement on health and social care issues in the Bay;

the member organisations of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board were mindful of the possibilities of commissioning independent reasearch and engagement activity from Healthwatch and that this activity was critical to delivering a robust and effective Healthwatch Torbay;

the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board supported the initiation of a procurement process for Healthwatch Torbay and noted the provisional allocation which would be required to go to Full Council for approval through due process.










Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting will be held on 20 September 2012.




The next meeting of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board will be held on 20 September 2012 at Parkfield, Colin Road, Paignton, TQ3 2NR at 16.30-17.30 and preceded by a Forum Meeting from 14.00-16.00.