Agenda and minutes

Venue: Sarsons Pharmacy, 1a Palace Avenue, Paignton, TQ3 3EF

Contact: Teresa Buckley  Governance Team Leader

No. Item


Tour of Sarsons Pharmacy


Prior to the meeting Members of the Board received a tour of Sarsons Pharmacy to help them gain an understanding of the work carried out by the Pharmacy, particulary in relation to community and preventative services.


Apologies and Changes in Membership

To receive any apologies, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Board.


Apologies for absence were received from Board Members:  Councillor Morey and Carolone Taylor (Torbay Council), Anthony Farnsworth (Torbay Care Trust), Sam Barrell (Baywide GP Commissioning Consortium – who was represented by Charlie Daniels), Kevin Muckian (Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee – who was represented by Sue Taylor); and Observers: Liam McGrath (CVA Torbay – who was represented by Julia Melluish and Sean Westlake), Councillor Hernandez and Fran Mason (Torbay Council).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 20 October 2011.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board held on 20 October 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising from the Minutes

To consider any matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 20 October 2011.


Arising from Minute 16, it was agreed that the Board would received an update on the actions in respect of the Torbay Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment at their next meeting.




Teresa Buckley to add item to the agenda for the next meeting.


Part 1 - Key Strategic Issues - Refreshed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To consider a refreshed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) – Debbie Stark.

Additional documents:


Members took part in a workshop session to look at the emerging Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) having regard to the four life course groups of: starting well; developing well; living and working well; and aging well.




Debbie Stark to collate the results of the workshop session and provide an update on the JSNA at the next meeting.


Part 2 - Key Changes/Issues for Agreement pdf icon PDF 41 KB

·                     To receive an update on the New Youth Offer – Richard Williams; and


·                     To receive an update on changes to reporting – Siobhan Grady.

Additional documents:


The New Youth Offer/Positive for Youth


Richard Williams presented a paper which provided an update on changes to services for young people following the publication of the Government’s policy for young people aged between 13-19 ‘Positive for Youth’.  Previously there had been no statutory framework for youth offer and the Ofsted Inspection Framework had been used to drive performance.  However the Government was in the process of making it statutory to provide youth services and ensure that local Councils and partners actively involve young people in development of local services to ensure they meet their needs. 


Torbay already has a good voice for youth through the successful Youth Parliament; is working closely with parents looking at developing support around teenage parenting; is working closely with the community and voluntary sector; looking at earlier support to help prevent bad behaviour; and has released £150,000 previously used to employ youth workers to the voluntary sector within Torbay to deliver services for young people.


It was noted that the Council was currently going through the tendering process for a youth contract which would also include employment issues and NEETS (not in employment, education, training or school).


Young People and Families Partnership Commissioning Group


Siobhan Grady outlined the submitted paper on the proposed merger of the Young Person Substance Misuse and Joint Commissioning Group and Housing Strategy Group (which is focussed on young people) and the new reporting arrangements. 




(i)         the Health and Well Being Board agreed to the decision for accountability for children’s substance misuse commissioning to be undertaken through a merged commissioning delivery group (i.e. the Children, Families and Young Persons Planning Commissioning Group) reporting to the Supporting People Commissioning Board which in turn reports to the Health and Well Being Board;


(ii)        the Supporting People Commissioning Board to extend it’s scope taking a broader remit to include children substance misuse issues;


(iii)       the revised Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report were approved.  This includes name of group, Chair, membership and representation, agenda planning and process for performance management;


(iv)       the proposed new arrangements and first meeting to be held May 2012; and


(v)        the new arrangements to be monitored for nine months in order to make any further recommendations for further merger and streamlining of commissioning and planning groups and scope and remit to Supporting People Commissioning Board.


Part 3 - Commissioning Services and Updates


Children's pdf icon PDF 86 KB

·         To receive the Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP) Priorities and Monitoring Arrangements – Richard Williams; and


·         To receive an update on Community Budgets – Richard Williams.


Children and Young Peoples Plan (CYPP) – Richard Williams provided a brief update on the direction of travel in respect of the CYPP.  Teenage pregnancy, school attendance and achievement were heading in the right direction, although child poverty was increasing. 




Richard Williams to provide a report to a future meeting on monitoring and changes to the CYPP.


Community Budgets – Richard Williams outlined the submitted paper on community budgets, which had been rebranded as ‘improving outcomes for troubled families.  Torbay has been told that it has approximately 365 troubled families using the following areas for selection (although local analysis would suggest this figure would be nearer to 500):


·        Families with children below minimum acceptable school attendance levels (likely to be below 85%);

·        Families with offending histories (exact criteria unknown, likely to be conviction in previous 12 months); and

·        Families claiming out of work benefits.


It was noted that Torbay had been allocated £75,000 to employ a co-ordinator for this work.  This function is currently being carried out by existing members of staff in order to utilize the funding to support the service.  There was an expectation that 60% of the cost for this work would be funded by local authorities and partners within existing resources with 40% being funded by the Government for successful achievement of improvement.  It is not yet know how success will be measured, however, most of the work is the same as we are already doing with our partners. 


A Multi Agency Troubled Families Steering Group will be established by mid April to agree how the first cohort of families will be engaged and to continue to develop and monitor the approach over the three year period.


Adults and Supporting People pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To receive an update on the above.


Siobhan Grady outlined the submitted paper on the proposed extension of the Terms of Reference of the Supporting People Commissioning Body to include commissioning of adult social care to ensure appropriate governance arrangements are in place following the appointment of the Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) within Torbay Council and the widened remit for the Torbay Care Trust provider arm to cover southern Devon.




The Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed the decision of Supporting People Commissioning Body on 16 February to extend the Memorandum of Understanding and Terms of Reference for the Supporting People Commissioning Body to include accountability for adult social care commissioning in Torbay.  A Summary of the commissioning decisions will be provided at future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings.


Clinical Commissioning Group

To receive an update on the above.


Charlie Daniels provided an update in respect of the Clinical Commissioning Group.  He advised that it had been agreed to merge Torbay’s Baywide Clinical Commissioning Group with South Devon’s Clinical Commissioning Group as it was too small on its own.  A new South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group will be established which covers 38 GP practices and 290,000 patients and is coterminous with the boundary of the South Devon Healthcare Trust.  A Joint Board with Torbay and South Devon will be establishing a shadow Board which will be operational from October 2012.


Public Health

To receive an update on the above.


Debbie Stark provided an update on the public health transition which was due to take effect from April 2013.  The transition is going well in Torbay due to existing arrangements although there are still issues to be resolved around finance.  The Government is not clear on how the arrangements with the NHS will work with the changes and are working with Public Health England and the Clinical Commissioning Groups.


Healthwatch Implementation Programme pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To receive an update on the above.


Tracey Cabache outlined the submitted paper which provided an update in respect of Healthwatch.  The Government published a 20 page summary report on 2 March 2012 which outlined the key changes.  The new target date for operation has changed from October 2012 to April 2013 with Local Involvement Networks (LINks) continuing to function until April 2013.  The implementation will no longer be staggered and Healthwatch England will be established in October 2012 so that it is up and running before the local Healthwatch.


It was noted that it is possible to grant aid the Healthwatch funding to an existing LINks provided that evidence can be shown that they have a ‘unique capacity’ to deliver the Healthwatch function.  The Council has asked for national guidance in respect of this.  In the meantime the existing LINks is registering as a corporate entity.




(i)         the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board supported the development and procurement of Healthwatch Torbay as outlined in the submitted report;


(ii)        the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider the recommendations for the establishment of local Healthwatch in Torbay at their July 2012 meeting.




Tracey Cabache to email a copy of the summary report to Teresa Buckley for circulation to the Board.


Members were encouraged to attend the Pathfinder Stakeholder event at the Riviera International Conference Centre on Thursday, 22 March 2012.


'Measure Up' 2012 - 14: Torbay's Interagency Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To note the attached report which was approved by the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board under the ten day rule on 6 March 2012.

Additional documents:


The Board noted the submitted report ‘Measure Up’ 2012 -14: Torbay’s Integrated Carers Strategy which was approved by the Board under the ten day rule on 6 March 2012.


Date of Future Meetings

Future meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held at the Town Hall, Torquay at 3.00 p.m. and have been scheduled for:


·         Thursday,17 May 2012;

·         Thursday, 5 July 2012;

·         Thursday, 20 September 2012;

·         Thursday, 22 November 2012;

·         Thursday, 17 January 2013; and

·         Thursday, 21 March 2013.


Future meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be rotated around our partners venues or held at the Town Hall, Torquay at 3.00 p.m. and have been scheduled for:


·        Thursday,17 May 2012;

·        Thursday, 5 July 2012;

·        Thursday, 20 September 2012;

·        Thursday, 22 November 2012;

·        Thursday, 17 January 2013; and

·        Thursday, 21 March 2013.