Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/05/2012 - Transport Working Party (Item 65)

65 Road Safety Initiatives Report 2012 - 2013 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


·         Patrick Carney presented report and the Road Safety Plan based on priority data.  Most schools have had road safety improvements.  Safer Travel based on collision data only.  Petitions need to be considered in the past and those presented today when considering recommendations.  PC recommends the priorities identified from collision data.  Mrs Hewitt will be presenting a petition.  Campaign to install a puffin crossing as this staggered fenced crossing makes it difficult for people with sight impairment. 

·         Dartmouth Road at Goodrington.  Mrs Hewitt lives on the road and helps other people with sight impairments with Braille training – the crossing is a barrier to access this training.  500 signature petition received.

·         Councillor Faulkner supports this as a priority.

·         Councillor Addis requested cost – Patrick Carney advised £40k/£50k as location would have to be changed due to junction being close by.

·         Budget can do one major scheme and a couple of signing/lining schemes.

·         Councillor Doggett recommended prioritising Dartmouth Road, Ellacombe School and Littlegate Lane (left turn only might be a solution).

·         Councillor Amil supports Mrs Hewitt’s scheme.

·         Councillor Cowell cannot see how we can prioritise if we do not know the cost of each option.  Patrick Carney can give guidance – infrastructure work is £40/50k.  Lining and marking around £10k per scheme.

·         Councillor Cowell – requested we use development 106 contributions ie Torwood Street?

·         Councillor Addis supported Ellacombe – opinion for 20mph zone and no loading between certain times may solve the issue.


Councillor Cowell proposed Dartmouth Road is the major scheme for 2012.  Seconded by Councillor Amil.  All in favour.

Second priority is Ellacombe Road loading bay scheme and 20 mile an hour zone.

Other funding for 20 mile zones for schools also to be considered.  Patrick Carney has to take this change in policy to Charles Uzzell/Councillor Excell as this is against collisions data policy currently used.