• 11am to 12.30pm - Procession (check the website in April for start locations to join the processions) 
  • 12.30pm to 3.30pm - Gathering at Torre Abbey Sands: Sea Offering, Food, Storytelling and Dance (continuing until the tide rises up the beach)

Do Torbay’s seahorses really dance when they court? How do we learn about, and treasure more, the very special wildlife in Torbay’s seas? How do we then celebrate and give back to that natural world, and even explore new ways of protecting it?

During three months in spring, residents of Torquay are invited by artist Shelley Castle to co-create objects and garments as offerings to the sea, with talks about the marine life in our seas and what we can do to help the sea thrive.

On Sunday 16 June, a long procession will walk slowly through the streets of Torquay down onto Torre Abbey Sands - holding aloft an offering, and led by the wearer of the Torquay Day Cape, embroidered and embellished with images of the wildlife in the sea and air and land around Torquay.

At the beach, we celebrate the wonders of local wildlife, particularly the seahorses that will be present out at sea.

Under the water’s surface, the two main seahorses present in the bay, the Short-Snouted and Spiney Seahorse, will be busy courting with a dance - a tango of sorts.

On the sand, musicians and dancers replicate this courtship dance - a choreographed tango. Sharing food, with talks and activities, the procession rests. The Offering is made to the sea - a hidden world that increasingly needs our attention and support.

No booking required.

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Part of eyeview - A cultural programme - working with artists and communities to offer fresh perspectives on the places and spaces that make Torbay unique.

Time 11am to 4pm

Cost Free

Web https://eye-view.org.uk/extraordinary-events-listings/the-offering